26: A Policy of Oppression
The Jews were not the only victims of Hitler's New Order. Millions of others, particularly in occupied Russia, had been shot, gassed and beaten to death. To those who opposed this policy, arguing that liberated Russians should be treated as potential allies against the Soviet regime -- and even allowed the right of self-determination -- Hitler said: "It's only an illusion. You have a right to think only of the moment and of the situation weighing upon us at the present time, but that is also where you fall short. I have a duty of think of tomorrow. I cannot forget the future for the sake of a few momentary successes." In a hundred years, Hitler argued, Germany would be a nation of 120 million people. "For that population I need empty space. I cannot grant the Eastern peoples any sovereign rights of independence and replace Soviet Russia with a new national Russia which is, for that very reason, much more firmly knit together. Policy is made not with illusions but...