10: Hitler Moves East
With the German invasion of the Soviet Union on June 22, 1941, the mass murder of Jews began within a few days, on a scale hitherto unknown. Before June 1941, the Jews under Nazi rule had been subjected to persecution, humiliation, expulsion and random killing. In June 1941, began the deliberate attempt to destroy all Jewish lives over a vast region of Europe. In the immediate wake of the victorious German Army came the Einsatzgruppen . Within twelve months, more than one million Jews had been murdered east of the September 1939 border of Greater Germany. Most were driven from their homes, forced at gunpoint to pits and ravines a few miles away, ordered to undress and then shot. No mercy was shown. The Germans understood the complex make-up of the regions through which they advanced. They knew of and exploited the historic tensions between Christianity and Judaism, and between the local people and the Jews. As a result, they were able to call on Lithuanian, Latvian, Beloruss...