19: Experiments On Prisoners

Heinrich Himmler insisted that he abhorred acts of sadism, but he had scientific interests that led to similar tortures in medical experiments. An ambitious doctor named Sigmund Rascher wished to assist the Luftwaffe by researching the effects of extremely high altitudes on fliers. Unfortunately, the physician reported, "no tests with human material had yet been possible as such experiments are very dangerous and nobody volunteers for them." When Himmler found out about the doctor's problem, he offered a supply of prisoners. Rascher set up a decompression chamber and began his tests. When the atmosphere in the chamber became thin, the prisoners' eardrums would burst and, according to an assistant, the prisoners "would tear their heads and faces with their fingernails in an attempt to maim themselves in their madness." The tests generally ended in the deaths of the subjects. On receiving the doctor's report describing the prisoners' agonies in one fa...