21: Reinhard Heydrich

In 1931, Heinrich Himmler began setting up a counterintelligence division of the SS. Acting on the advice of his associate Karl von Eberstein, Himmler agreed to interview Reinhard Heydrich, but cancelled their appointment at the last minute. Heydrich's wife ignored the cancellation message, packed Heydrich's suitcase, and sent him to Munich. Eberstein met Heydrich at the railway station and took him to see Himmler. Himmler asked Heydrich to convey his ideas for developing an SS intelligence service. Himmler was so impressed that he hired Heydrich immediately. Heydrich decided to take the job because his wife's family supported the Nazi movement, and the quasi-military and revolutionary nature of the post appealed to him. On 1 August 1931, Heydrich began his job as chief of the new 'Ic Service' (intelligence service). He set up office at the Brown House, the Nazi Party headquarters in Munich. By October he had created a network of spies and informers for intelligence...